Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dingmin Lin‘s opening blog

The Progression of Gender Roles in Media since the 1950s

Message trying to deliver:
Human senses are an essential tool, like a receptor, that receives information. Human receives a lot of information from the social Media like files, music, Television show, and advertisement have deeply affect the different gender behavior. Therefore, in this Collaborative Research Blog, I want to evaluate and understand the mediating impaction of gender and gender role self-perception on response to different type of music and music videos.
General question about the topic:
1. In this collaborative research blog, I want to find out how music or music video influences different gender roles? 
2. Why music and music video can affects mediating impaction of gender and gender role self-perception? 
3. Does different time period, the music and music videos can reflects the fashion and human’s desire? 
4. How does human influence the music or music videos?
Because of those questions, I decide to do search on 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s to find out the relationship between human and music or music videos,
1960 music
I remember some songs like “Will You Love Me Tomorrow” by Shirelles, “Respect” by Aretha Franklin and “I heard it through the grapevine” by Marvin Garye, etc., most of these songs are soft and easy to listen to. In “Respect” by Aretha Franklin, she singed "Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me..." 
Questions of 1960’s Music/ main concerns:
1. Does some song like “Respect” by Aretha Franklin reflect to the history movement (woman’s right movement)? And how are they related?
2. Why in the music perform, singers all wears formal dresses or suits?
3. Why the love song music is the main stream music during the 1960s?
1970 music
From what I know there are some Disco and Club start to appear, and Rock music become more popular. The 70s songs created a trend of relaxing music as well as dance music, and people started go to Disco Club. Therefore many disco and rock music came out at that time period like “The Hustle” by Van McCoy, “I will survive” by the Bee Gees. “YMCA” by the Village People also helped to add to the popularity of disco music. 
Questions of 1970’s Music/ main concerns:
1. How did the disco and rock music affect different gender’s thinking? 
2. Does Woman going to nightclub shows that they get very success on woman right movement?
3. Does singers change the type what they wear? And how does they changed?
1980 music
From my knowledge, Disco’s popularity was relative short-lived, and the happy songs that are characteristic of the 1980s. There are so many different style of music are been created including new wave, Hair Metal, and Hip Hop. All of those different new genres are still affect music society today. 
Questions of 1980’s Music/ main concerns:
1. What cause the singer became more important than ever? 
2. What cause women wearing different color of cloths, unlike 50s and 60s, just black and white cloth?
3. Why does people consider people like Madonna Louise Ciccone, Michael Jackson, and Whitney Houston are “super star”? What cause that happened?
1990 music
From my past knowledge, I know that MTV was very famous at that time, and teenagers began to join to the music industry like one of the most commercially successful boy bands Backstreet Boys. And Hip Hop became the best-selling music genre by the mid-1990s, one of more well-known star is Dr.Dre. 
Questions of 1990’s Music/ main concerns:
1. What cause most of woman singer started to not wear full cover cloth u and even some start like Britney Spears wear most naked?
2. What motivates teenagers join to the music industry?
3. Does MTV effects genders roles? If so, how does it effects on gender roles?
2000 music
Based on what I remember during 2000, many Hip-Pop/Rap singers’ songs, especially from the male singers, they mention more about drug, party, sex, and money than any other year’s songs would. Also, male singers start to train themselves to be more muscular. On the other hand, woman singers try to be sexy and to make them look attractive. 
Questions of 2000’s Music/ main concerns:
1. Why does male hip hop star all mentions about drug, party, sex and money?
2. What cause male singer want to be more muscular? 
3. What cause female singer want to be more sexy attractive.
Research Tool/Source:
Begin of this Collaborative Research Blog, I will use internet as my main resource, and if I can’t find anything from the internet, then I will go to library to find different type of music in different time period. On the internet, I will find most of music or music videos on If I don’t find anything from the library and internet, my alternative source is going to buffalo city to search in the music store. In the English class, I will communicate my group, and ask something what they find out is interest, so maybe I can also use it on my research.

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